• Prepositions

      Prepositions are small words like at, of, for, since, to, and so on. Although each preposition has a general meaning, each preposition’s use in combination with certain verbs and nouns must be learned on a case-by-case basis.

      Prepositions can also act as parts of verbal phrases (svenska: verb partiklar), which is to say that a certain preposition in combination with a certain verb can take a new and different meaning (e.g., look up can be taken literally to mean ‘look upwards toward the sky’, but it often means ‘to search for something’, as in to “I had to look up the word in the dictionary”).

      • Using to

        The word to functions as both the infinitive marker (“To be or not to be, that is the question.”) and as a preposition implying direction. In spoken and informal written English, it is common to come across the following contruction.

        He had no inclination to go to Sweden and investigate the case.

        This construction is not technically grammatically correct. The correct form is to repeat the word to before each verb, even if to is also used as a preposition.

        He had no inclination to go to Sweden to investigate the case.

        As a matter of style, to (used as an infinitive marker) can be used one time before a list of verbs. To is then understood to apply to each verb.

        She wants to travel, [to] have adventures, and [to] drive from coast to coast.