A citation in the text using the Harvard system includes the author or authors of the work cited and the year that the work was published. Punctuation used within the citation can vary, but in general, a Harvard citation looks like this:
Molecular-based methods are generally used for species identification of viruses, bacteria and protozoa (Adl et al., 2007; Edwards and Rohwer, 2005; Pace, 1997).
If the work cited is not written by a particular author but rather a group, consortium, governmental agency and so on, the agency is cited.
The National Veterinary Institute (SVA) started a national project, “Myggjakten” (SVA 2013), to collect as many mosquito species as possible.
If the specific authors are referred to, for instance at the beginning of a sentence, then the year of the work is given in parentheses.
Grove and Torbiörn (1985) also state that fact-oriented training on its own is not enough to prepare an expatriate.